


Per a03 (Azul Arlequim) nasceu em 01/08/2005


Filho de:   Hankypanky's Dusty Per a03 (azul bicolor) e
                Sumava's Tzeitel Per f03 22  (tartaruga bicolor tabby blotched)



Hankylpanky's Dusty
PER a03
GC Bolo Pearl Jam of Hankypankys   -  Per d03 GC Rubyrose Lightning Bolt of Bolo  -  Per n03 Rubyrose's Dallas Holmes -  Per d03
GC Rubyrose's Psalm - Per a01
Bolo Twiggie -   Per d03 Softmagic Big John of Bolo  -   Per d03
GC Marhei Josephine of Bolo    Per f
Lebordo Giscours of Hankypankys   -  Per n Marsamis Orient Express of Lebordo  -   Per n GC Jonala's Midnight Cowboy of Ebonez   -   Per n
Olympian Moonsinger of Marsamis   -  Per w62
CH Marsamis Heavenly Star of Lebordo  - Per a GC RW Jonala Quatra of Lepasdechat   -   Per w62
Marsamis Star Search - Per n
Sumava's Tzeitel
PER f03 22
Sumava's Partial Eclipse
PER n22
Vanillas For Eternety of Sumava
PER n22
CH. Vanillas Sweet Baby James
PER n22
Vanillas Jeanie Beanie
Sumava's Markeeba
GC. Bolo's Ichiban of Granddelight
PER a03
Sumava's Candlelight
PER w62
Sumava's Lucy Diamonds
PER d03
Magratheas Ted e Bear of Sumava
PER d03 22
Magratheas Janus of Tlc Cats
PER n03
Granddelight's Amber of Vanillas
PER e01
Sumava's Tina
PER f03
Sumava's Infashia
PER e03
Magratheas Crazy Cookie of Sumava



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